Our History
Development of the Collaborate PASadena Initiative
Before 2013
A number of efforts that highlight the strength and benefits of collaboration are underway
Examples include the Community Schools Initiative by PUSD, the Invest in PUSD Kids program, and the Parent Education Network (PEN)
Kahlenberg “One Pasadena” Report is presented (2006)
Best practice collaboration research is conducted
Shared vision for partnership is developed by the City and PUSD
School/City/Community Work Plan is adopted by the City of Pasadena and PUSD in order to foster 21st Century skills to improve student outcomes
Initiative’s governance structure is defined by PUSD/City Council ad hoc committee
Leadership Council (governing body)
Work Groups in four priority areas
Shared vision, mission, and objectives are established
USC Capstone Project is completed (phase 1)
YMCA partnership for 40 Developmental Assets Survey
Youth Empowerment Service (YES) Grants
Coordination and alignment with family and youth initiatives
City of Pasadena Early Learning Policy
Peoria Place
Youth Master Plan
PUSD Career Pathways
Leadership Council members are identified
​Fall 2015 full Council begins governing
Parent Engagement Work Group (fifth priority area) is established
Parameters of measuring success are analyzed
Work Groups meet collectively to work on goals and objectives
Collaboration and coordination for asset mapping, and communication (GroupSite)
Next phase design undertaken with professional consultant team
First measurable goal is identified (3rd grade reading proficiency)
Alignment with Reading Partners program
Altadena community volunteer recruitment effort
Walk to Read established
Read Across Pasadena and Realtors Initiative
Second Grade Book Drive
Work Groups expand and organize around outcome goals
USC Capstone Project is completed (phase 2)
Organizational Home search is completed; Flintridge Center named
Director search is conducted
Full-time Director begins
Marketing and communication efforts are expanded
Formal presentations to myriad local service clubs and educational groups
The Amplifier monthly e-newsletter launches
Website and social media presence are established
Database of constituents is grown from 250-700+
Work Groups refine short- and long-range priorities and plans
Parent Engagement effort partners with Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) Parent Leaders Group
Healthy Families Work Group re-focuses on PUSD support
Supportive Communities Work Group holds neighborhood clean-up, builds strategy for neighborhood associations, and recommends adoption of neighborhood leadership training toward building capacity to collaborate
Community Service Hub work is explored
Innovation in Collaboration event held in April (“Mix and Mingle”)
Youth Leadership Network developed, and first annual Youth Leadership Conference held in August
Neighborhood Summit focused on learning and sharing best practices held in September
Launch of Pasadena as an Early Learning City by 2025 held in September
Collaborate PASadena Neighborhood Leadership Institute offers 10-week grassroots training for community members
"Mentor Pasadena" is supported with building partnerships toward growing mentoring efforts in the Pasadena area
Reading initiative continues with Walk to Read, Reading Partners, Read Across Pasadena and Second Grade Book Drive
Year-end Celebration of Collaboration focused on partner accomplishments of 2017 held in December
Community Forums on Neighborhoods held in February and March​
Neighborhood Summit focusing on celebrating and bridging communities held in April
Reading initiative continues with Realtors Read Across Pasadena in March
LCAP Community Conversation held in May
Second annual Youth Leadership Conference, LevelUP2, held in July
Collaborate PASadena moves to Pacific Oaks College's Center for Community and Social Impact​
Office of the Young Child launces Hub Network of sites to serve families of Children 0-5
First State of the Youth is held at Muir High School in February
Third annual Youth Leadership Conference, LevelUP3, held in July
African American Parent Council's Math Power Hour initiative launches
PUSD / Community convening on student voice and choice
CalSchools Parent Survey outreach campaign
Improved Attendance Initiative - celebrating students who have improved on past chronic absences
Second State of the Youth is held at PHS in October
Rose City High School Research Engagement Project
Student Success Work Group works with Rose City High School on the students Senior Defenses
Third annual Youth Leadership Conference, LevelUP3, held in July at Pacific Oaks
Growing Together PASadena (previously know as the Hub Network) grand launch celebration in November
Community outreach for Census 2020
Stars Community Summit - Stopping the School-to-Prison Pipeline
PHS & Community collaborative home visits for students at risk
COVID-19 pandemic changes the landscape and focus of... everything
Our Mission revised in response systemic inequities in our community, made clear by the disproportionate impact of the pandemic.
Collaborate PASadena provides online meeting hosting for community and parent organizations
Collaborate PASadena hosts PUSD community forums on distance learning and the re-opening of schools
Student Success Work Group to focus on student engagement and agency
Fourth annual Youth Leadership Conference, LevelUP4, held virtually over two weeks in July
Collaborate PASadena, Stars, PACTL, Young & Healthy and Tournament of Roses collaborate to deliver meals during pandemic
Gender Nation donates 14 sets of inclusive books to PUSD for every elementary school library
We continue meal delivery until the start of the 2021-22 academic year
A total of 68,400 meals for 410 families​
2,310 volunteer hours
Fifth annual Youth Leadership Conference, LevelUP5, held virtually over two weeks in July
We publish our COVID Impact Report
Collaborate PASadena becomes Lead Partner for PUSD Community Schools initiative
Collaborate PASadena continues to host online meetings for community and parent organizations