Brian Stanley, Student Wellness and Support Services, Pasadena Unified School District
Brian Stanley has worked in the Pasadena Unified School District since 2003. He began as a 5th grade teacher at McKinley School, and then served as a Dean, Assistant Principal, and principal at Rose City High School for 17 years. He has recently transitioned to the district office where he now oversees the district’s Child Welfare and Attendance and Youth in Foster Care departments, and Twilight Adult School.
Stanley, a product of the foster care system, has first-hand experience of what many at-risk students are going through and knows the value of supportive adults and community. He believes in growing the “whole student,” with the core belief of never underestimate the potential of students when their core academic and emotional needs are met. He sees students who have struggled as “advantaged and stronger” because of previous hardships. Under his leadership, Rose City High School went from being viewed as a school of last chances to a school of best opportunities.